2017年4月9日 | 11.00am-1.00pm | Manjusri Secondary School
The Lion’s Roar
Sunday morning service
Manjusri Secondary School
20, Ubi Ave 1, Sg 408940
(The Reflection Hall, 5th floor, main building, )
Speaker:Venerable Jian Xin
What is Repentance?
How can Repentance purify our negative actions and karma?
How can we do sincere Repentance to purify all the karma that we have committed through our body, speech and mind, since beginingless time?
In this morning service, we will be sharing about the meaning and power of Repentance.
“Of all my past created evil karma,
all by beginningless greed, anger and delusion,
from my body, speech and mind as arisen,
for all I now express repentance.”
~ Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
(Avatamsaka Sutra)
The Lion’s Roar series