Dear Brothers and Sisters,
What is the Buddhist perspective on magical and supernatural powers?
What are the different types of magical powers recorded in the Buddhist scriptures?
“A hill cannot be as tall and grand as a mountain.
The clouds of the Dharma cover the world,
Enabling those with seeds of goodness to sprout and grow.
The manifestations of unusual magic powers,
Is but a means for delivering the ignorant throughout.”
~ Kasyapamatanga
East Han Dynasty
We look forward to your loving presence. Please feel free to bring your loved ones and friends.
Date: 15 Apr 2016, Friday
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Venue:妙心林 Good Hearts Vihara
Looking forward to your loving presence.
Please wear comfortable clothing as we will be seated on the floor.
With Loving Kindness,
Jian Xin Shifu