The Four Immeasurables (Pali: Brahmaviharas) are a series of four Buddhist virtues that are highly regarded by Buddhists as powerful antidotes to negative mental states. They are:
1. Loving-Kindness (Pali: Metta)
2. Compassion (Pali: Karuna)
3. Appreciative Joy (Pali: Mudita)
4. Equanimity (Pali: Upekkha)
As a start to Year 2016, it will be very meaningful and auspicious to come together to meditate on and radiate these four sublime states to all beings in the world.
We look forward to your loving presence.
Please wear comfortable clothing as we will be seated on thefloor.
With Loving Kindness,
Jian Xin Shifu
Date: 8 Jan 2016, Friday
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Venue: 妙心林 Good Hearts Garden