31 Dec 2015, Thursday.  7.30pm – 9.30pm

Dear Friends,

Year 2015 is drawing to an end. How has this year been for you? What are the life lessons that you have learnt and spiritual breakthroughs that you have achieved for 2015?

What is the life that you envision for yourself and the world for year 2016? What are the spiritual transformations that you are looking forward for yourself and others?

Come join us on New Year Eve, 31 Dec, as we share our life lessons and learnings for 2015 and our aspirations for 2016. We will also be doing a meditation dedicated to world peace and well-being of all sentient beings for 2016.

Feel free to bring your favourite candle, so you can anchor your wishes and intentions for year 2016. Also feel free to bring your loved ones and friends.

We look forward to your loving presence.

Date: 31 Dec 2015, Thursday
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Venue: 妙心林 Good Hearts Garden

Please wear comfortable clothing as we will be seated on the floor.

With Loving Kindness,
Jian Xin Shifu